War Machine (Porn Machine?) has given an interview in which he provides his side to the recent reports that he “went beserk” at a recent porn industry party and left as many as five men needing hospital and/or dental treatment.
The incident began when someone claimed War Machine – formerly known as Jon Koppenhaver before changing his name by deed poll – had hit his female companion Alanah Rae, something both he and Rae have repeatedly denied occurring.
“I was outside [and] was suddenly swarmed by six to ten other guys. They were telling me that I hit Alanah and they were cursing at me saying that if that is true I’m gonna get f*cked up. I told them I had no idea what they were talking about and told them to even ask Alanah. They persisted and grew more and more angry the more I denied it. They began to circle around me and I was sure I was gonna get f*cked up because I was so heavily out numbered and that’s when we started fighting,” he told the porn industry blog LukeIsBack.
“Once the initial blows were thrown I continued to punch anyone that came towards me that I thought was a threat. I was working my way toward my car and everywhere I looked there were angry people trying to block me off. At one point even a girl, I think Brooke Haven, was punching me in the head.”
War Machine says the incident was undoubtedly escalated by the party attendees being intoxicated, which made them irrational. “I think if everyone was sober they would have not rushed to me and surrounded me so aggressively. I think they would have slowed things down and would have done the smart thing first which would be to ask Alanah if anything had happened,” he said.
“This situation was a huge misunderstanding that could have been easily resolved. I can’t say that I blame them thoug. If I had been in the party and heard that someone hit Alanah I too would have probably done the irrational thing and went to attack the person accused.”
That said, he does not regret hitting any of the people he did, even though one lost teeth and another required his scalp stitching. “I think that every person that I hit was a threat to me and my safety so in that regard they deserved to be hit. On the other end I think the real problem here is the asshole that spread the rumor that Alanah was hit. He is the one truly responsible for everyone’s injuries and the entire misunderstanding. The people rushing me were only looking out for her,” is War Machine’s assessment.
His lawyer is currently talking to the police about arranging a conversation regarding the incident and also arranging bail. In January, War Machine will appear in court to answer another charge of assault, stemming from an incident at a Las Vegas gay bar where he worked. A doorman at the venue apparently threatened him and was beaten up for his troubles. War Machine says he is confident both that incident and the latest one will be written off as self-defence when the cases come to court.
But that opinion is not shared by one eyewitness, who was at the party that night and on November 30th told LukeIsBack that “people are definitely pressing charges. There were a lot of witnesses. We all gave our info to the police. It was not self defense.”
The eyewitness said that when he went outside as the trouble started brewing “there were about 5 people were trying to calm War Machine down. No one was threatening him in any way, just saying things like “no one wants any trouble. Let’s just calm down here”.
“[He] was walking back and forth with his fists clenched. Then he suddenly started hitting everyone around him. Most of the people he hit were just standing around, not really part of the action. [He] was being very aggressive with the women at the party and someone may have said something.”