Rafael Cordeiro Muay Thai technique: Flying knee
A out-of-the-blue flying knee to stun your opponent. 1. Fernando throws a left hook, which exposes the left side of his head and allows [...]
A out-of-the-blue flying knee to stun your opponent. 1. Fernando throws a left hook, which exposes the left side of his head and allows [...]
Get your opponent to expose himself so you can do some real damage. 1. Fernando throws a long right cross from orthodox stance 2. As [...]
Unleash a strong counter combination off your opponent's power strike. 1. Rafael throws a low kick, Fernando blocks the strike by lifting his left [...]
Countering the high kick with first a parry and a high kick in return. 1. Rafael pivots on his left foot and throws a [...]
Make them pay with a quadruple-hit counter combination. 1. Rafael throws a lead low kick to Fernando's back leg, but Fernando blocks by checking [...]